Spring 2025 Clubs
Registration closes on February 27th
Placements for Session 1 announced by March 5th
Parents to confirm student participation by March 7th
Spring clubs run:
Session 1 - March 7- April 17​
Session 2 - April 28 - May 30
Session 1 Clubs (March 7- April 17)

Circuit Makers 101
Grades K - 2
Mondays: March 10, 17, 24, April 7
Let’s get creative with electricity! In this junior hands-on electronics class, students will gain experience with creating their own electronics; designing custom light-up greeting cards, electric games, mazes, and even musical instruments. Each class day consists of a circuitry lesson and a hands-on electronics project, using components like lights, buzzers, switches, motors, and sensors. Circuit Lab staff will make sure participants create a project that they can be proud of each day. Most class days include a take-home project.

Outdoor Games
Grades 3 - 5
Mondays: 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/18
Get some energy out while we play outside!

Kidstock Drama Club
Grades K - 2
Tuesdays: March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15
Join Kidstock! Drama Club this Winter - where every student is the center of their own story. These classes will explore character based theater games that build basic acting skills and intentional self expression. Through their creativity and imagination, students will foster teamwork, interpersonal skills, and much more!

Grades 4 - 5
Tuesdays: March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15
Join Professor Karen O'Hanan from Tufts to explore color changes and chemical reactions from the world around you. Each week will include a hands-on experiment with inquiry. Thank you to Tufts University for generously funding this club!

Books and Art
Grades K - 2
Wednesdays: March 12, 26, April 2, 9, 16
We will listen and look at great children's books. These books will inspire us to make art works of our own by exploring different art mediums, such as, collage and watercolor.

Grades 3 - 5
Wednesdays: March 12, 26, April 2, 9, 16
This is a club for book lovers! In this club, we will read books together, and then, we will do activities, such as games, or projects, such as a craft, based on the books.

Fun with Fibers!
Grades 3 - 5
Thursdays: March 13, 20, April 3, 10
Let's get creative with wool! We will learn how to wet felt a bowl, needle felt, and make soft sculptures.

CCSR (Center of Citizenship and Social Responsibility
Grades 3 - 5
Thursdays: March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17
Do you enjoy volunteering and helping others? We are offering this club to promote citizenship and social responsibility. The mission of the CCSR (Center of Citizenship and Social Responsibility) is to provide instructional resources, activities, coordination, and training to support our vision of developing responsible, global citizens who will be the positive contributors to society. At the Missituk, this may mean planning for the Great Kindness Challenge, creating a recycling plan, or raising money for a cause. The club will be driven by the students' ideas! Come join us in making a difference in your school, community and world!

Grades K - 2
Fridays: March 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
Do you love Pokémon? If the answer is yes, this club is for you! We will have an hour each club to play and/ or trade Pokémon cards, read Pokemon books, and draw/ color Pokemon coloring pages.

Paper World
Grades 3 - 5
Fridays: March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11
Let your creativity fly while learning how to use papier mache (paper pulp) and sculpt with it. We will create bowls, animals, masks, decorations, or anything you can think of!

Nature Explorers
Grades K - 2
Mondays: April 28, May 5, 12, 19
The Nature Exploration Club will meet outdoors, and we will explore what we find of the nature around us: leaves, rocks, sticks, shadows, and clouds (and much else!). We will identify tree species, crack open rocks to see what's inside, draw what we find, trace funny shadow poses, and find designs everywhere.

Field Fun
Grades 3 - 5
Mondays: April 28, May 5, 12, 19
Get some energy out while we play outside!

Indigo Dyeing + Hand Sewing
Grades 3 - 5
Tuesdays: April 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27
Explore the magic of natural indigo dye! During the first three weeks we will explore different techniques used to to create patterns on fabric with the indigo dye. We will learn a few different varieties of shibori (folding and binding fabric) and use a resist paste to paint of fabric. During the third and fourth week we will use the dyed fabric to hand sew a zipper pouch.

Card Games
Grades K - 3
Wednesdays: April 30, May 7, 14, 21
Let's play card games together! We will play old favorites like "Go Fish" and learn new card games like "I Doubt It." Each week we will learn a new game and revisit the ones we enjoyed the most. You can then teach your friends and family your favorite games.

Garden Club
Grades 3 - 5
Wednesdays: April 30, May 7, 14, 21
If you love gardening and the outdoors, Garden club is for you! Students will help out in our Missituk Community Garden.

School of Rock: Little Wing
Grades K - 1
Thursdays: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Little Wing is School of Rock's music program designed for our youngest students. It features a special curriculum where students play games and participate in other interactive activities to help them internalize the foundational skills they will use as their musical abilities grow. In their weekly group lessons, they use classic rock songs to learn about rhythm, song structure, melody, and dynamics through play.

Grades 2 - 4
Thursdays: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Basketball drills and a few scrimmages. This is not an official Medford sports team.

Grades 1 - 4
Thursdays: May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Parkour is a movement discipline that was originally developed in France in which practitioners learn to navigate through their physical environment, conquering physical and mental challenges, and learning to look at their world with "parkour vision". Classes are designed to be accessible to all abilities and fitness levels and are a perfect way to learn the basics of parkour and build skills that transfer easily to other sports, activities, and an active lifestyle.

Ninja Warrior
Grades K - 1
Fridays: May 2, 9, 16, 23
Ninja Warrior is a blend of fitness, flexibility, strength, skill, and fun! Throughout class, participants will engage in various drills, elements, games, and obstacle courses. From scaling up cargo nets on a truss, to walking across balance beams, climbing over an A frame to hanging on monkey bars, this class allows participants to have fun while progressing through elements…for the love of play!

Natural Science
Grades 3 - 5
Fridays: May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Join us as we delve into nature in our own school neighborhood! During our time, we will make observations, ask questions, and learn about the plants and creatures around us. We’ll read books, engage in hands-on activities, and create nature-based art projects.
Session 2 Club (April 28 - May 30)
Didn't get to join a club this time?
That's disappointing. But don't worry! We keep a running list so that kids who didn't get to be in a club this time are at the top of the list next time!